Using Amazon’s KDP publishing for your book is a popular choice for many authors, it’s free to join and uploading the manuscript and book cover design is relatively straightforward too, but once you have your book published on their website, how do you promote and sell it? The good news is that there are many ways to promote and sell your book online, KDP publishing offer several options and even allow you to promote your book with paid advertising for Amazon’s own website. So, how do you sell your book online, and more specifically, how do you sell it on Amazon?
Self-publishing a book is a rewarding but sometimes challenging endeavor, getting your work in front of a large group of readers can feel like a never-ending task which can overwhelm some indie authors over time.
However, there are plenty of things that you can do to promote your book, and they don’t have to cost a fortune either, here are SEVEN great options that you should consider. What is metadata and where do I find it on Amazon?
The metadata for your book is the basic information which will help readers to find it, it includes the title, subtitle, series info, book description, keywords, cover image, ISBN, contributors, and publisher. It may seem simple, but it is really worth taking your time on getting these elements set up correctly, when done right, it will help you in reaching your audience. When you’re publishing your book with KDP, these details are what you will input upon the first page of the upload process, again, the information that you place here will have an impact on how easy your book is to find, so let’s look at each element section by section. A channel that is very often overlooked for publishing your eBook is the Google Play Book store, being a part of Google and its Android operating system (which is used by over 3 billion people worldwide) it is another place where you should consider having a copy of your book.
So, if you want to get your title on Google’s Play Books, where do you start? Apple books can get overlooked by some self-publishing authors, which when you consider the huge customer base that Apple has, may be a mistake. So, what is Apple’s iBooks and how do you get your own book published through them?
Apple Books iBooks was launched back in early 2010 and upon their iPad, with the version for their cell phones coming out later the same year, since then Apple rebranded it to just Apple Books in 2019. In this time Apple have amassed millions of titles for their store along with a huge selection of audio books too. Getting your book traditionally published is a dream of many writers, of course it is very easy to self-publish your book, the likes of KDP Publishing and IngramSpark are two very popular print on demand services, who have helped millions of authors publish books themselves. However, getting the backing of a publishing house would give your book a huge advantage in the marketplace.
So, how do you publish a book in the traditional fashion? Many authors try their luck by contacting publishers directly with their manuscripts, but it has to be mentioned that most publishers don’t take unsolicited requests from authors, so, your manuscript may end up in the house’s slush pile, where it could stay unread for years. You may or may not have seen that KDP offer a way to nominate your book for two of their eBook promotions, these being Kindle Deals and Prime Reading promotions, and if you are looking at every option in getting your book in front of as many readers as you can through KDP, it may be worth nominating your own book.
First of all, what books are eligible for nomination? Self-publishing a book via print on demand companies used to be limited with regards to your choice of book, paperbacks and eBooks were the main choice and only a few of the companies offered hardbacks (and even then, in limited sizes and options).
But now more and more services are offering hardbacks to their customers, KDP publishing being one of the latest to offer this service to its authors, and it seems to have been taken up quickly too. So, if you want to publish your book as a hardback (case wrap or dustjacket), what are your options? Self-publishing a book can be a rewarding endeavor, you finally get to see your work in print and put a great deal of time and effort into getting it out to an audience, so when it does begin to sell and readers start to purchase your book, what royalties will you get?
Well, this will of course depend upon the channel you’ve used to sell your book, and for the majority of self-publishing authors, these channels are the likes of Amazon’s KDP, IngramSpark, Smashwords, Lulu, Barnes & Nobel and Draft2Digital. So, let’s look at how much you can expect to get back in royalties from your book sales from each of these popular POD services. Royalties for your book with KDP
Publishing a book can be an exciting and highly creative process, one which most authors feel compelled to follow, dedicating many hours of hard work and effort into every page. But aside from the creative reasons why authors write books, they still want to get paid for every copy sold. So, if you have published your book with KDP (or are about to) what royalties do they offer and what should you be aware of? Well, KDP splits the categories for print and eBook, offering different options for both, let's take a look at both of these starting with eBooks. |
December 2024
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